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发布时间: 2021-03-30 15:59:21

1、计算机专业英语课文翻译 司爱侠



成绩单 transcript
C语言C language program
大学体育1 college physical ecation 1
大学英语一级 college English band-1
高等数学A1higher mathematics A1
计算机引论 introction to computers
思想品德修养Cultivation of Ideological Morality
C++语言The C++ Programming Language
大学体育2 college physical ecation 2
大学英语二级 college English band 2
当代中国外交 contemporary Chinese diplomacy
电路原理Principles of Circuit
法律基础 Fundamentals of Law
高等数学A2 Higher mathematics A2
线性代数Linear Algebra
中国哲学智慧Chinese Philosophical Wisdom
大学体育3 College Physical Ecation 3
大学英语三级 College English Band 3
概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics
汇编语言 Programming Language
计算方法A Computational Method
交际艺术 Communication Art
离散数学A Discrete Mathematics A
马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism
数字系统与数字逻辑Digital System and Logical Design
英语听说English Listening and Speaking
Flash动画制作技术 Flash Animation Proction Technology
程序设计综合设计Synthetic Programming Design
大学体育4 College Physical Ecation
多媒体技术Multimedia Technology
计算机组成原理A Principles of Computer Organization A
世界近现代风云人物述评 Commentary on Celebrities in Modern History
数据结构A data structure
编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling
计算机图形学Computer Graphics
计算机系统综合设计computer system synthesis design
认识实习Cognition Practice
算法分析与设计Analysis and Design of Algorithms
系统结构system structure
操作系统 Operating Systems
电子商务与电子政务Electronic Commerce and Electronic Government
计算机网络A Computer Network
面向对象系统分析与设计Object -Oriented System Analysis and Design
人工智能Artificial Intelligence
软件系统综合设计software system integrated design
数据库原理及应用Principle & Application of Database
文献检索Document Indexing
Web开发技术web development Technology
软件工程Software Engineering
软件工程课程设计Software Engineering Course Exercise
网络安全 Network Safety
系统集成与综合布线system integration and Comprehensive Wiring
专业英语Specialty English
毕业实习graation field work

3、求计算机专业英语(霍宏涛 主编) 课文文章对照翻译




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