建筑文化根植于人居自然环境之中 不同的地域自然有不同的自然环境:地形地貌、日照角度、日月潮汐、水流风势、气温、气压、食物、土地、水质、植被等等。作为人与自然中介的建筑,对外应有利于形成小区外部环境,对内应有利于保障人居的室内环境。这些建筑像植物一样,落地生根,合天时,合地利,适宜于地区自然环境的要求,与大自然融为一体。 在东南亚和南亚各国,在中国的海南岛和台湾岛,椰林茂密,气候炎热,人们用椰树叶、棕榈叶盖起了适应热带雨林的茅草房、小木楼,通风、凉爽、轻盈、简洁,建起了热带雨林建筑。
这些建筑形式多样,风格各异,适宜于不同地区自然环境,与风景、林木、地形融为一体,形成了根植于自然环境的各种建筑文化。建筑既要根植于自然环境,又要服从于自然环境,这是建筑师必须遵循的一条基本原则。 社会时空环境差异造成建筑文化的多元化 不同的地域、不同的国家、不同的民族,有不同的社会历史形态。欧洲国家、美洲国家、亚洲与非洲等发展中国家,国度不同,宗教信仰不同,经济发展状况不同,各地区的文化习俗也不同。不同地区的人居社会时空环境的差异,造成了建筑文化的时空性和多元性,因而产生了古代的或现代的中国建筑文化、俄罗斯建筑文化、东南亚建筑文化、欧美建筑文化、非洲建筑文化等等。欧洲的古希腊建筑、北非的古埃及建筑、南亚的古印度建筑、古代中国建筑是世界民族建筑文化的历史源流。天主教、耶稣教、印度教、伊斯兰教、佛教等宗教的形成和发展,深刻地影响到信仰宗教的国家和地区,也深刻地影响到这些地区建筑,形成了丰富多彩的宗教建筑文化。
中国几千年悠久的历史文化,沿袭至今,既古老又博大,自古以来受到儒家、道家、佛教、禅宗等思想伦理的影响。特别是儒教统治中国2 000多年,根深蒂固。这种文化把儒、道、佛、禅各种思想观念兼收并蓄,融为一体,光辉灿烂,独立于世界民族之林。 建筑文化在一定条件下是可以转化的。地域、民族性的建筑文化在一定条件下可以转化为国际性建筑文化,国际性建筑文化也可吸收、融合新的地区与民族性建筑文化。在当今世界里,建筑文化的发展和进步,既包含前者向后者的转化,也包含后者对前者的吸收与融合。这两者既对立又统一,相互补充,彼此影响,共同发展,只有保护和发展丰富多彩的各民族建筑文化,促进世界建筑文化的多元化构成,最终才能建立一个 “和而不同”的人类社会。 中国古代建筑有着灿烂的成就,在宫室、园林、建筑空间的处理、建筑艺术与材料结构的和谐统一等方面,都有着卓越的创造与贡献,形成了迥别于西方建筑的特殊风貌,在人类建筑史上占有重要的地位。时至今日,建筑文化的特质愈来愈引起人们的重视。从建国后的北京人民大会堂到二十世纪末的香山饭店等建筑都继承了中国传统建筑艺术的精华,又融汇了西方现代建筑艺术的新观念、新技术,成为既有鲜活民族特色,又有强烈时代特征的建筑文化丰碑。中国的城市建筑无论古代、当代,都是在特定的空间中产生的文化现象,其丰富性与复杂性令所有研究者无法回避。
长期以来,在建筑史研究领域中,存在着一种“西方中心论”的观点,即认为西方城市建筑是历史传统,东方建筑是非历史传统。在弗莱彻尔的《比较建筑史》上刊有一幅“建筑之树”的插图,树的中心主干标明是希腊、罗马、罗蔓式,上端的6根主分枝分别是欧美一些国家哥特式建筑、文艺复兴建筑和近代建筑。却把埃及、印度、墨西哥、中国等都摆在下面一些纤弱的幼枝上,把美国放在这棵树的中心主干的顶端,极为形象地表达了作者的建筑 “西方中心论”思想。无可否认,西方城市建筑在近几个世纪以来确实发展迅速,无论在内容和形式上,还是在科技和理论上、美学形态上都走在世界的前列。但是“西方中心论”的观点无疑是有问题的,世界建筑历史的发展,决不只此西方而别无殿堂,这已成为越来越多的建筑文化史家的共识。①西方后现代主义建筑文化理论家佛朗普顿认为:传统建筑特别是民俗建筑是在特定地点形成的建筑体系,具有功能和结构上的合理性。特别是在处理一些具体因素,如通风、采光、保温等方面具有优良的特点。所以,不能简单否定依地点、体具体的地理情况和人文文化环境发展起来的地方风格。
对中国传统建筑文化的研究,是为了在理论层面上开拓一条中国建筑的健康发展之路。建筑文化学并不局限于解释各种建筑文化现象,它是要为建筑文化的发展提供价值导向。因此,建筑文化应该是批判的与实践的。要提供价值导向,先要作出价值评判,所以必须树立一种价值观。不同的人类都各有自己的文化背景,不同的建筑事件也都有一定的建筑文化影子。然而文化也是一柄双刃剑。一方面,任何文化都是精华与糟粕并存,即便是精华,也往往离不开具体的时空条件;另一方面,传统文化既可能成为一副沉重的十字架,扼杀现代人的创造潜能,也可以成为一座智慧的宝库,丰富我们的想象,扩大我们思维的尺度。 现实及未来生活的复杂要求,远非机械地搬用某一种传统方法、途径,就可以得到满足的,必须博采所长,取我所需。另外,对于本特色的创造仍然是一个严肃的课题,需要结合具体地点、条件,对设计要求作具体分析。在创作方法上,采用“抽象继承、迁想妙得”的原则,可能会找到一条新途径。吴良镛提出所谓“抽象继承”是指从建筑传统中,将传统建筑的设计原则和基本理论的精华部分加以发展,运用到现实创作中来。并且把传统形象中最有特色的部分提取出来,经过抽象,集中提高,作为母题,予以新意,以启发当前设计创作形式美的创造。同时应当摸到中国传统文化的脉搏,挖掘出传统建筑艺术的时间和空间内涵,首先是要重视和恢复建筑艺术的文化价值和精神功能,不能只把建筑艺术作品当作工业产品和生活用品,更不应当只抓其眼前的物质功能。这样的继承,并非形式的抄袭或旧零件的排列组合,既有创作原理的继承与发展,又有形象的借鉴与创造。使设计既求神似,也不排斥某种程度、某一细节的形似,关键是根据地点、条件的需要。而“迁想妙得”,“迁想”是将自己的想象力深入到对象的形象中去,“妙得”是指把握对象的真正神情。②
建筑文化处于全球“大文化”系统之中,各民族、各地域的建筑文化在此共生共荣,组成了世界建筑文化的交响曲。全球化的社会进程给文化交流带来了碰撞与会合,冲突与交融。 几千年来,中国受外来文化的影响渊源流长。佛教文化本来发源于印度,随着西汉张骞出使西域,唐代玄奘法师赴印度取经传经,佛教影响中国2000多年。但是,佛教的内容,佛祖的像貌,佛庙的形制与中国文化交融,形成和发展了独特的中国佛教建筑文化。
早在20世纪20年代,中国近代出国留学归国的建筑师,大多数是留美的学者,他们受当时西方学院派建筑文化观念和中国国粹主义建筑文化观念的双重影响,强调中西建筑文化交融的重点在建筑风格上,第一次创造性地设计出了一批精品,开创了中外建筑文化交融的新纪元。例如由第一批留美建筑大师吕彦植先生20年代设计的广州中山纪念堂、南京中山陵等等,在当时中国建筑界的确起到了石破天惊的影响,推动了中外建筑文化的融合进程。 新中国建国初期,中国政体、机制照搬苏联模式,中国各地建设了一批具有俄罗斯建筑文化特征的建筑,形成和发展了中国50年代“社会主义”建筑文化。改革开放以来,我国又一次打开国门,引入西方经济管理模式,模仿“欧陆风格”、港台建筑,后现代主义几乎风靡全国,形成和发展了中国80年代“改革开放”建筑文化。不言而喻,世界各国的建筑文化均要受到当时当地政治体制、经济状况、技术水平的约束,相互冲突,相互交流,相互影响,相互融合。然而,什么样的交融和交流具有生命力,经受得起时空的考验?只有那些吸取了东西方文化精髓,融合为本民族的地区与民族性建筑文化,才具有强大的生命力。 古今建筑文化交融的探索和追求
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Building a culture rooted in the natural environment of Habitat
Different geographical They certainly have different natural environment: topography, sunshine point of view, sun and tides, currents and winds, temperature, pressure, food, land, water, vegetation and so on. As an intermediary between man and nature of the construction, the external should be concive to the formation of district external environment should be concive to the protection of the domestic indoor environment Habitat. These buildings, like plants, the roots, making a day, or geographical areas of the natural environment suitable for the requirements of integration with nature.
In Southeast Asia and South Asia, in China's Hainan Island and Taiwan Island, Coconut Grove dense, hot weather, people with palm leaves, palm-leaf built to adapt to the tropical rainforest of thatched rooms, small, ventilation, cool, lightweight, simple , built a tropical rain forest building.
In Central Asia, West Asia, in China's western alpine region, people with stones, the mountain has been built on the powerful stone building, take shelter from the wind, blocking snow, heat, warm, building construction has become plateaus. Such as China, Tibet, Qinghai, Sichuan and other ethnic minorities in China's western mountains and on the potential to build a wide variety of mountain building.
Loess Plateau in China, the Gobi Mobei, low rainfall, dry climate, people use the hillside slopes built tunneling room, built with distinct characteristics of immature soil construction. Gansu Dunhuang Art Exhibition Hall of the building buried in the hillside, the semi-open entrance connected hillside retaining wall, construction features of immature soil is very obvious.
In the eastern part of the United States, in Australia, in China's south, rainfall, mild climate, people use wood, brick and mountains on the potential, in line with local conditions, build a shade shelter from the rain, ventilation, styling and unique architectural humid areas.
These architectural forms, of various styles, suitable for different regions of the natural environment, with the landscape, vegetation, terrain together, forming a natural environment is rooted in a variety of architectural culture. Building both rooted in the natural environment, but also subject to the natural environment, this is the architects must follow a basic principle.
Second, the social space-time caused by environmental differences in the diversification of architectural culture
Different regions, different countries, different nations have different social and historical patterns. European countries, the Americas, Asia and Africa and other developing countries, land of different religious beliefs, economic development of the different regions have different cultural practices. Habitat in different parts of the social differences in time and space environment, resulting in the architectural culture and the diversity of time and space, resulting in ancient or modern Chinese architectural culture, the Russian architectural culture, architectural culture in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States Architectural Culture, the African Architectural Culture and so on. Ancient Greek architecture in Europe, North Africa, the ancient Egyptian architecture, the South Asian Association for the ancient Indian architecture, ancient Chinese architecture is the world's architectural and cultural history of ethnic origins. Catholic, Jesus taught, Hinism, Islam, Buddhism, such as the formation and development of religion, a profound impact on the religious beliefs of countries and regions, but also a profound impact on those areas of construction, forming a rich and colorful culture of religious architecture.
China several thousand years long history, has followed so far, both ancient and extensive, since ancient times by Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, such as the impact of ethical thinking. Especially Confucianism ruled China for 2 000 years, deep-rooted. To this culture of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Zen eclectic variety of ideas, together brilliant, independent nations of the world.
Architectural Culture under certain conditions, can be transformed. Geographical, ethnic and cultural construction under certain conditions, can be transformed into international architectural culture, and international architectural culture can also be absorbed, the integration of the region and the national character of the new architectural culture. In today's world, building a culture of development and progress, both the transformation of the former to the latter, which also includes the absorption and integration of the former. The two also both opposing reunification, complement each other, affect each other and common development, only the protection and development of a variety of architectural culture of all ethnic groups, the promotion of world architectural culture of pluralism, and ultimately to create a "different and" the human society .
Three Chinese and foreign construction and cultural development and blend
Architectural Culture in the global "big culture" systems, all nationalities, all geographical construction symbiotic culture in this form the world's architectural culture Symphony. Social process of globalization has brought to the cultural collision with the rendezvous, conflict and blend.
For thousands of years, the Chinese culture to external sources of long. Buddhist culture have originated in India, Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions of the Western Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty Master Xuan Zang went to India to learn from their experience Chuan-by, the impact of China's 2,000 years of Buddhism. However, the contents of Buddhism, Buddha, like Maung, the shapes with the Chinese Buddhist temple in cultures, the formation and development of a unique Chinese Buddhist architectural culture.
As early as the 20th century, 20 years, China's modern architects returned from studying abroad, most of whom are scholars in the United States, they are building at the time of Western academic and cultural concepts and China Architectural Culture nationalistic concept of the double impact, emphasizing cultural exchange between Chinese and Western architecture focused on the architectural style for the first time a creative way to design a number of procts, creating a cultural exchange between Chinese and foreign construction of a new era. For example, the first batch of U.S. architect Mr. Lv Yan Canton 20's design Zhongshan Memorial Hall, Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing and so on, in the Chinese construction instry has played a really ground-breaking effect in stimulating the Chinese and foreign architectural culture of the integration process.
The early founding of New China, the Chinese government, mechanisms copied the Soviet model, the Chinese all over the building of a group of Russian cultural identity building construction, the formation and development of China's 50's "socialism" of architectural culture. Since reform and opening up, China's open-door once again, the introction of Western economic management model to imitate, "European style", RTHK construction, post-modernism almost swept the country, the formation and development of China's 80's "reform and opening-up" construction culture. It goes without saying that all countries in the world of architectural culture at that time are subject to local political systems, economic conditions, technical level of restraint, in conflict with each other, mutual exchanges, mutual influence, mutual integration. However, what kind of fusion and exchange with vitality, stand the test of time and space? Only those who learned the essence of eastern and western cultures, integration-oriented areas of national culture and national character of the construction only has great vitality.
Fourth, cultural exchange between old and modern architectural exploration and the pursuit of
Ancient and modern cultures, the past serve the present, what? Need to analyze the "ancient" and "today" in the construction of content changes that have taken place. These qualitative change is the social system, proction technology, living habits, work, cultural values, building materials in the construction sector caused by the inevitable result. As Mr. Wu Yurong in the evaluation of the French engineer Gustave. Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower noted: "People are trying to adapt to every human life an art form the new direction of development and to make all the human activities and the rapidly changing era of emotion caused by the new suit."
To explore ancient and modern blend of traditional architecture and modern architecture combining problem. China's traditional architectural culture has many features, such as the overall layout of buildings, in line with local conditions, and be full of change; architectural style, rich and colorful; space separated, flexible and diverse; interior decoration, pay attention to the connotation; color to use, colorful; garden green, it is implicitly lively, changeable, unique in the world. In the creation of modern architecture, the contemporary architects should learn from ancient architecture and cultural wealth of nutrition, according to the modernization of a wide range of requirements, from the analysis of the various contradictions in the exploration and pursuit of people's lives to adapt to the new direction of development and people's construction activities and the rapid caused by the changing times adapt to new emotions.
Since the founding of New China, focusing on the succession of Chinese tradition, carry forward the, creative architectural art of the problems the United States experienced a number of exploration and discussion. Experienced the liberation of the early to imitate the "big roof" retro nostalgia period; experienced a critical retro, and the Soviet "model" dogmatism stage; experienced the Cultural Revolution, servility to foreigners critical philosophy, the implementation of "dry-base hit," the poor ring the transition; experienced early advocate of reform and opening up the West, the popular "Hong Kong style" period. After exploring the difficulties and setbacks, China began to follow the traditional architect, to adapt to function, the use of high-tech, to explore ancient and modern cultures, the realization of the modernization of architectural creation of the correct way.
In this paper, talking about building a culture of environment and blend only preliminary study, many deep theoretical issues need further study. Our generation of architects should be firmly established the "scientific concept of architectural culture" to the Chinese culture as the main body, to accelerate the construction of culture and environment, and the nation, and society, and the blending process with the times.
一 建筑文化根植于人居自然环境之中
二 社会时空环境差异造成建筑文化的多元化
中国几千年悠久的历史文化,沿袭至今,既古老又博大,自古以来受到儒家、道家、佛教、禅宗等思想伦理的影响。特别是儒教统治中国2 000多年,根深蒂固。这种文化把儒、道、佛、禅各种思想观念兼收并蓄,融为一体,光辉灿烂,独立于世界民族之林。
建筑文化在一定条件下是可以转化的。地域、民族性的建筑文化在一定条件下可以转化为国际性建筑文化,国际性建筑文化也可吸收、融合新的地区与民族性建筑文化。在当今世界里,建筑文化的发展和进步,既包含前者向后者的转化,也包含后者对前者的吸收与融合。这两者既对立又统一,相互补充,彼此影响,共同发展,只有保护和发展丰富多彩的各民族建筑文化,促进世界建筑文化的多元化构成,最终才能建立一个 “和而不同”的人类社会。
三 中外建筑文化的发展与交融
四 古今建筑文化交融的探索和追求
(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,回说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引答言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。
〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: